June 18, 2009

Preppy look is so Japanesey, they say

I feel like I'm slowing down already after the second post... I guess I'll just blog at my pace.

Anyways, I read an interesting The New York Times article about the preppy look and the Japanese. The Japanese understand the All-American look better than Americans?
I guess I have been away from Japan too long. I had no idea...but I do love the preppy style and I'm Japanese. After all, J.Crew is one of my favorite stores.


  1. I'm so not hip! I think I used to be hip but I don't know how to do it anymore. I'm actually wearing a dress today that got a big hole in the back and I used a PATCH to fix it. The patch is on the inside...are you ashamed of me? At what point can we call something "vintage"?

  2. The Japanese are a fashion-savvy group indeed. Stick with your instincts--they are part of who you are! Don't be swayed!
    I am having all sorts of fashion realizations lately. They mostly have to do with the fact that my lifestyle does not allow for me to be as "into" fashion as I would like. I care a lot more than I look...times and seasons.

  3. I just like the word "japanesey".

    Spencer is way hip.

  4. Are you kidding? The Japanese have us beat all to pieces when it comes to being fashion savy. I say it comes very naturally to you--embrace it!

  5. I am just tickled. I love having you as a sister in law. We need you and your adorable sense of style. And I love that pic of Spenc.

  6. ALO- I love the Vintage look as well:)!!

    Abby- I do care a lot more than I look too. Or so I would like to think. Please don't judge me by how I look always, and I won't judge you...
