June 10, 2009

Natsu (Summer) and shorts!

I am not a stylist and have no fashion license if anybody is issuing them, but because you have asked, I will blog my feelings about shorts and capris.

I like shorts-
Shorts are cropped anywhere from above the knee to the widest part of the calf. You can look active, boyish, or summerish. My favorite length would be just below my knees, where you can just see the skinniest part of my calf. If you have model looking long and skinny legs, you can pull off any length, but I personally believe that's where my legs look the best.


Um...I don't know. I think I'm allergic to them. Capris are cropped around the calf and above the ankle, and I don't look good in them. They are unflattering unless you are wearing high heels that only models can walk in, and I simply can't.... (OK, I admit that I purposefully chose these hideous looking capris pictures to post, but you can see my point, right? Even J.Crew models could not pull off this Giraffe looking capris with those no-heel sandals) What? What about with shoes? Non, non. If you are wearing 4 or more inch long heels with them, by all means, go ahead, I'm not stopping you.

With that said, I do own 1 black pair of casual, boyish looking capris. I think I wore them one summer or two with sandals...I don't know if they will ever see light again. If you ever see them, say hi from me cuz I ain't wearing them (in public anyways).


  1. Okay, that was really informative and very funny. I feel like I am seeing a whole different side of you. I have to agree about capris, I always think of what Clark said when capris first hit the fashion screen, he said they look like what his mother always wore to do her house cleaning. I do wear them if it's really hot and I just don't care, but I always feel like I am about to clean my house. Who wants to feel like that all the time?

  2. You make me laugh! I am SO glad I have someone as reliable and trustworthy as you to guide my fashion sense. The older I get, the less fashion savvy I feel! And I have to agree about the capris...I own a couple of pair but I never wear them! I feel frumpy. I like skirts, swishy dresses or shorts for summer. I'm so glad you approve!

  3. You are hilarious...now I am questioning my beliefs about capris. I need time to deeply examine my feelings. I think I like cropped pants though. Is that ok? Can we still be friends?
    I want to see you in capris now. How bad could YOU look in anything?

  4. I am wearing some jean capris right this second and I have to admit they are not my favorite, but they're comfortable. I appreciate your good fashion sense and advice! I agree about the length of shorts hitting right at the skinniest part of the leg. The problem with most capris is that they usually hit at the widest part of your calf, and that is simply not flattering.


  5. Hehe, I like Hjalmar2's comment. Just imagining him trying on capris...
    Anyways, if I hurt feelings of people who likes capris, I'm sorry. I do think right capris look great with the right footwear though.
