July 23, 2009

Right Answers by Sho the Shopper herself

1. What is your current obsession?
Our upcoming trip to Japan. Planning every hour and meal with great excitement (its been four years since I've been home, ok?) True, but my plan isn't really that detailed.

2. What do you hate the most that everyone else seems to love?
The Princess Bride
I'm sorry, but that may be true.

3. What are you wearing today?
After work? Jeans and an almost turquoise-blue polo t-shirt (see previous post about 'preppy')
Well, I was sitting next to him when he wrote this.

4. What's for dinner?
My talented cook of a husband made Beef Hayashi stew which we ate over white rice. For dessert we had homemade yogurt popsicle that had blueberries, strawberries and banana in them (again, made by my handsome husband)
I like it when he cooks.

5. What would you eat for your last meal?
Fatty Toro Sushi and a good simple salad with lots of tomatoes and sesame seed dressing... and a small tasty steak.
Ummm, that sounds yummy. I'm gonna eat lots of Sushi in Japan!

6. What is the last thing you bought?
The polo shirt I'm wearing, from the Ralph Lauren Polo Outlet store (and the black one I bought for my sister... which she may never get).
Yeah, I wore both of them already.

7. What are you listening to right now?
The hum of the computer, the hiss of the speakers and the sound of my husband typing this.

8. What do you think of the person that tagged you?
They are two of the most talented women I know and the mothers of the cutest children in the world. We miss them and their kids terribly every day!
Yes, they are indeed. I wish they could come visit us every weekend.

9. If you could have a house--fully paid for and totally furnished--anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Somewhere on a year round warm beach, where no hurricanes ever come.... and close to good shopping. If you know a place like that please let us know, cause we will move there immediately.
Yeah, who wouldn't wanna live in a house like that!

10. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would it be?
If the sun is setting in Polynesia anywhere, I'd like to be there.
Well, we are leaving for Japan in 1 hour. If I could skip the airplane part and be right there right now...

11. What is one of your hobbies?
Buying and organizing craft supplies.
He~y! Stop making fun of me. I do use them to actually make things! ...Sometimes.

12. What is ONE of your favorite quotes?
"Sho, wake up! It's good morning time!!" - lil' Abby
I also like to say "Push the button, Max!" and any time I get to command Spencer around.

13. What is your favorite color?
Blue and Yellow, Orange, Green, Brown, ...

14. What is your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
Right now its my new preppy snazzy 'Skinny Polo'
I've been wearing these American Eagle jeans for about 10 years. I have lots of other jeans, but this one is a heavy rotation, must have item whenever I have to pick outfits for more than few days...it fits me nicely I think. but it's about time I found a new 'perfect' pair of jeans again.

15. What is your dream job?
Wedding Planner
That sounds fun.
Personal organizer, personal shopper, or full time wife/mother would be nice too.

16. Describe your personal style.
Classic and Modern. Nothing fancy or cluttered. Think Japanese Ikea.
Can I add a hint of vintage to that?

17. What is your favorite tree?
Japanese Maple (ok, I really have no idea what Sho would say for this, but Japanese Maples a beautiful in the fall).
I like Plumeria trees / flowers too.

18. What are you going to do after this?
Finally decide where we are going to stay in Hiroshima when we visit. I can't decide! I get side tracked by looking at all the things to do in the area and stop looking at hotels.
Take shower and get ready to go to Japan. I have 1 hour left. I need to wrap this up.

19. What is your favorite fruit?

20. What inspires you?
My mother's perseverance and my in-laws creativity.
Yes, they do inspire me.

21. Who was the last person that you kissed?
My husband. Square on the lips *mwah!!*

22. What are you currently reading?
Tourism forums about things to do in different parts of Japan. It will be Obon when we are there... that's like Christmas in Japan, but with huge festivals, fireworks and floating lanterns.
ummmm BoM?

23. Go to your bookshelf, take down the first book that you see with a red binding, turn to page 26 and type out the first line.
"Through the invention of traditions, national identities were being created as if they were 'natural', even eternal, features of human existence." - Michael Billig 'Banal Nationalism' (A book from my husband’s grad work)
I need to pass this, I have no time.

24. What delighted you the most today?
When the work day ended.
When I get everything done at work and leave right at 5.

25. By what criteria do you judge a person?
By how they judge other people. Innocence.

26. If you bought a wiener dog today, what would you name it?
'Next month's rent'
Inuo or Inuko

27. What are you afraid of?
Bugs. Any bug. Especially cockroaches. Especially Hawaiian cockroaches (they fly).
Bugs and pain, and right now, I'm afraid of being late!


  1. I love you--and hope you are having a WONDERFUL time in the motherland.

  2. Oh, I just noticed that you had given the "real Sho" version! That was fun! I can't wait to hear about your trip. I guess it goes without saying that I KNOW you took lots of photos!
